'Alum from Day One': An essential strategy that matters

I didn't coin the phrase 'alum from day one.' While that might be true, I still talk about it everyday. I discuss this with clients, colleagues and even alumni. Students should be thought of -- and treated -- like a member of the alumni community from the moment they register, start classes and step foot on campus.

It's an essential strategy for universities. It's an essential attitude for current students and alumni. It's an essential mindset for both. 

I wrote a guest blog post entitled "How an 'Alum from Day One' strategy can transform your alumni engagement" for the Hivebrite Blog in January 2020, that offers some insight into this idea. 

A key quote:

"Do not confuse “Alum From Day One” with the “student as customer” idea, unfortunately seeping into institutions. At the core of an Alum From Day One strategy is that students—and indeed alumni—are shareholders in the institution. They are investing in their academic learning to reap lifelong dividends, getting as much out of the experience as they are putting in."

Alum from Day One is featured heavily in my book The Alumni Way: Building Lifelong Value from Your University Investment too. 

The full blog post is available here


Vlog: Doing Diaspora with Dr Martin Russell of The Networking Institute (55 min)


Vlog: Be Curious with Dr Hilary Curry - Alumni as Community (27 min)