Alumni Friday of Reading Ahead to Countdown 2022!

Alumni Way snowing (1)

Let it snow!
Time for an Alumni Friday of reading!

Dear Friends,

The end of year is upon us and Ireland is in a deep freeze. Perfect for an Alumni Friday of reading!

I love to curl up with a good book and in the Northern Hemisphere, the dark evenings and chilly weather scream out for page turning!

Your challenge this week: 
(1) Check out my latest blog: 6 books your should read to inspire your networking (and alumni networks)
No usual suspects here! It might be considered an unconventional list, but the books all have one thing in common- they make an appearance in The Alumni Way!

(2) It's not too late to get your copy of The Alumni Way at 50% off using the code POTAW22 - more inspiring reading! Once you've read the book - sign up for an Alumni Friday with me in 2023- would love to hear your thoughts!

This is my last newsletter of 2022 - thank you for your time - hopefully this helped to spark your alumni life and Alumni Friday!

With alumni sparkle,

               Quote from the book

"We are all connected."

The Alumni Way, p. 189 
Below: The bookstack of some of the books that make an appearance in The Alumni Way! Thank you for BASE Enterprise Centre alum and friend Jillian Ruggiere for the photo shoot :) 


6 books to Inspire Your Alumni Potential (and Your Alumni Networks!)


Want to energize your alumni work in 2023? Get that sparkle by starting here!