Alumni – tips for networking in person


Where is The Alumni Way popping up next?

Dear Friends,

I write to you again on the road.

There is something electric about in-person events. Last Thursday I had the pleasure to be a special guest at the Czechia Alumni Meet-Up in Prague - what a FUN event! The mix and mingle included networking bingo (yes BINGO!). This fun activity allowed over 300 students and alumni to break the ice, meeting fellow Czechia alumni!

Zoom would have certainly saved time. Connection in person is special. It lends itself to small talk. This chit chat can arise those gems of connection or moments of serendipity.

Networking in person is tricky, especially after years of Zoom rooms. Here I talk a little about the changes in networking since the always online version. How can you make sure networking in person is effective?

Your challenge this week:

Practice this tip! As you find yourself at a meeting or networking situation, be a croissant! What? Yes it’s true. Watch Robbie Samuels classic TEDx where he explains the key to inclusive networking. His idea of body language is simple but it’s easy to slip into being a bagel! Check it out here

Can we meet in person?

  • Conference Vienna (today!)
  • ICARe (International Conference on Alumni Relations) – Porto, Portugal (11-12 May)
  • Arabian Gulf Career Development Forum (CADEF) – Kuwait (21-23 May)
  • University of Waterloo- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada – 30th May
  • University of Toronto (my 25th alumni reunion!) – 31st May – 4th of June
  • Halifax Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island, Canada July 2 – 20
  • Alumni Career Services Network Conference (ACSN) – New Orleans, USA July 24-26
  • CASE Europe Conference – Edinburgh, Scotland (29-31 August)

 Hit reply if you would like to meet in person at these events or in these cities!
Are you considering events for the end of 2023 or early 2024? We can discuss in person or book a Discovery Call online here.

Let your alumni connections soar,



Quote from the book

"Our alumni capital, through our alma mater or alumni network, are a great place to begin our navigation. It’s also a great community to mobilize further support."

The Alumni Way, p.120



Photo below: Earlier this week I travelled closer to home to Belfast to meet David Sylvestor, the President of my own alma mater – the University of St Michael’s College at the University of Toronto visiting the city. We discussed all things alumni!














University problem, alumni solution


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