Are you an alumni romantic?

LoveAlumni Alumni Friday Feb Campaign

Take #LoveAlumni to the next level!

Dear Friends, 

With Valentine’s Day come and gone as a time where people cosy up to romance, I wanted to reshare one of my favourite articles: ‘Confessions of an Alumni Romantic.’ 

When you go directly to the LinkedIn article, the subtitle sets the scene: “Are we losing sight of genuine connection?” Intrigued? Snuggle up for a little journey on the romanticism train… putting emotion over reason – connecting with people for the sheer joy of it and not for a transactional purpose, letting the transformational evolve naturally and the sparks fly!

Your Challenge this Alumni Friday:

Spread the #LoveAlumni love! Share this article or newsletter with a fellow alum, student, or alumni professional. Give them a boost to remind them of the power of alumni connection!

As an extra bonus, invite a fellow alum for an Alumni Friday chat- keep the conversation vibrant and light – the aim is to feel energized afterwards (and preferably include your favourite hot beverage and sweet treat!) 😊 

With plenty of alumni love,


Quote from the book

“How does our alumni identity contribute to our flourishing selves?...Our alumni capital, through our alma mater and alumni network area a great place to begin our navigation.”

The Alumni Way, p. 120


#LoveAlumni – celebrating social impact networks!


#LoveAlumni by celebrating alumni professionals!