Bring sparkle to your Alumni Friday!

Alumni Friday Blue

Sparks and Sparkle!
Generating energy for networking mindset AND alumni brilliance!

Dear Friends,

My travels continued last week, this time the sparkle was Prague! The Czech Republic was geared up for the festive season and I had the pleasure of energizing alumni professionals at the International Alumni Centre Conference hosted by UCT - Prague.

With in-person alumni events back and hybrid events still appearing too- the end of the year can leave us depleted-- it's time to energize before 2023!  

Your challenge this week: 
(1) In what ways can you re-energize yourself to start 2023 fresh? Check out my latest blog post where I share 4 tips to reinvigorate yourself to add that new sparkle for the New Year!

(2) Starting the New Year's Resolutions early? What about developing a networking mindset? Check out the recording of my immensely popular Creating Community Webinar, hosted by Aluminati,

A Networking Mindset for the Next Generation: Alumni Networks for Impact

(3) Webinars and Workshops with sparkle are at the ready!
Are you interested in an energizing session for your alumni team?
Or, do want to give your students and alumni the tools for networking with impact?
Book a Discovery Call with me to explore dates for 2023 and get a special Alumni Friday newsletter discount :)

With alumni sparkle,

Quote from the book

"Alumni is firmly an inclusive term. I chose examples that might resonate, spark ideas and be inspirational...Adding the Alumni Way to our arsenal, gives us a special lens to view other aspects of our lives."

The Alumni Way, p. 24
Photo Below: An in-person meeting in Prague with Johana Canda-Fiserova! We had a post-mortem on the Networking Mindset Webinar hosted by Aluminati ... and a book signing!
Further below: Prague's sparkle on display!  Check out more on alumni sparkle in my blog! 


Want to energize your alumni work in 2023? Get that sparkle by starting here!


4 Questions to Embed a Networking Mindset for Your Alumni – and for Impact