Do you need a quiet Alumni Friday?

Alumni Friday Blue

Happy Alumni Friday!
Make this a quiet one!

When was the last time you picked up an alumni magazine?

What about reading the news stories on your university's Web site?

Students, alumni (and yes, even alumni professionals!) can benefit from the serenity of a silent Alumni Friday!

Why? Hopefully this might spark some new ideas, a possible new fellow alum, faculty member or even an initiative to connect with!

Grab the best warm beverage and dive in! (see my photo below!)

Enjoy the indulgence!

Your with alumni inspiration,


Quote from the book

"Alumni connection is more than a stroll down memory lane. Instead the Alumni Way is a multi-lane highway, dotted with off ramps of creative possibilities along the route."

The Alumni Way, p. 1


Alumni Friday: it's not all about you...


Let's meet for a future Alumni Friday!