Final Year - Time to Refocus

You’re entering your final year and it’s an electric time of year. Motivations are high, there's anticipation of the increased intensity and aspirations for grades are set. It seems to be the pinnacle of all your hard work – graduation, the final hurdle. But I implore you to pause and question – is the grade really everything I can take from this experience?

While it’s important to keep your eyes on prize have you thought yet about what comes after graduation?It is common that new grads can feel somewhat adrift with questions like ‘what to do next?’ or ‘how can I go about my next step?’. But fear not, there are ways to stay afloat and it starts with small actions today. In my recent blog post on Transforming Societies I highlight 3 easy to follow steps that can refocus your attention to what’ lies after graduation.

With only one year to go, the graduation gown seems well within your grasp. Your final year grades are certainly important, especially with the potential for postgraduate study or work internships on the line. While your studies might intensify, so should your time to think about your life after graduation."

Take the time to reflect what’s already in your toolkit and start to apply it now. Start to build your alumni network today and don’t wait for after graduation. For more inspiration you can read the full article here.

These are the exciting times, don’t let the pressure of the final year distract you from the resources at your fingertips now. Take a look what’s around you – lean in and stand out!


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