International alumni alert

Alumni Friday BlueLearning exchange and strategy rolled into one!

Dear Friends,

As I write I am travelling to Berlin to deliver a workshop with my colleague and friend Sandra Rincón. This workshop is for the international alumni relations curious. (See photo below for details!).

What excites me about this event is how it combines purpose and strategy (why do institutions want to engage global alumni anyway?) with learning and exchange (sharing what works in a local context, in this case German institutions).

The why? I explored this in a blog post here.

The strategy? Dr Kevin Fleming and I explore transformational philanthropy which can easily be adopted to all types of engagement and philanthropy (time, talent, treasure, ties) check out the brief outline of the concept here.

Or watch us here.

Or listen to our podcast spot here.

At the heart of this work is alumni centricity - how we can position alumni front and centre to our work, especially for international alumni.

Your challenge this Alumni Friday:

For all! Share your experience with international alumni on being an international alumni. What programming worked? What didn't? If you are an alumni-facing professional, find a colleague in a similar institution for this learning and exchange.

Are you curious to hear more about how to engage international alumni? Book a discovery call with me here.

Yours with global alumni inspiration, Maria  

Engaging International Alumni as Strategic Partners
by Sandra Rincón and Gretchen Dobson

This week, I feature the book that sparked this work. The book chapter, by Kevin and I, features here too!


Photo below: Berlin this week! Let's discuss 

all things international alumni!











Alumni engagement secret sauce


Alumni seeking something new