Introducing The Alumni Hour

Alumni Friday Blue

It’s time to turn networking intentions into action!

Dear Friends,

Last week I had the pleasure of the sunshine and warmth of Barcelona as a speaker at LUMENS ’24 – Pompeu Fabra University’s annual alumni event. Lumens is the amount of visible light we can see. This event was certainly illuminating – the alumni speakers offered those light-filled moments. 

As with many events – we leave energized, ready to take action. 

Then, the everyday tumbles on top of us. The messages, the work that piled up in our absence. The illuminated light of intention of networking are eclipsed in a moment. 

The same happens for our well-intentioned alumni and students. It doesn’t need to be this way. Through my research over the past year, I am delighted to make a pre-announcement of an innovative way to sustain alumni networking!

Introducing The Alumni Hour

This is an online accountability hour for our alumni and students to start and sustain their networking work. This is a cycle of 6 weeks of one-hour sessions offering a peer-led and peer-supportive space with inspiration and challenges to supercharge their career exploration and build their alumni network. Alumni or students complete their actions during the hour, slowly building momentum and networking confidence. 

I am delighted that The Alumni Hour has entered the pilot phase. Canterbury Christ Church University in the UK and the Atlantic Technological University in Ireland and Atlas Corps’ Virtual Leadership Institute for social impact leader in the Global South, all past clients are participating in the pilot! 

Curious about The Alumni Hour? Check out more information here and the benefits for alumni and students here.

The Alumni Hour is offering your alumni the gift of a structured, supportive Alumni Friday. 

Hit reply or sign-up for a Discovery Call to hear more! 

Your challenge this week:

How would you use an hour this week to build your network? 

Reach out to a fellow alum? Ask for an informational interview? Make an introduction? Revise your LinkedIn profile? Follow-up with someone you met at a recent alumni event? Block out an hour, set yourself a challenge and see how it goes!

Tell me if The Alumni Hour would work for you, your alumni, and your students – forward this to someone on your organization’s team that might be interested! 

Exciting times of alumni networking ahead!

Yours in alumni inspiration,



Find out more about
The Alumni Hour here



Photo below: Gaudí’s Casa Batlló on my trip to Barcelona earlier this week. Let’s illuminate networking and careers for our alumni! Learn more about The Alumni Hour.




#LoveAlumni is back


Connecting research and alumni