#LoveAlumni month goes global

Alumni academic research is going global - open access to get you thinking

Dear Friends:

February is the perfect time to celebrate the ones we love. Valentine's Day straddles the other 27 days we can adore, admire, and love - including our alumni. This tradition started four years ago with my Confessions of an Alumni Romantic article that I unearth once a year.

This week to start #LoveAlumni month, I was curious and delved into the academic databases to see what new academic and practitioner research was published involving alumni. The response? Global reach!

Here's a few articles to read during your Alumni Friday (all open access, all published in the last year): 

Uzbekistan: Utkirov "Enhancing Alumni Employability: Aligning Higher Education Quality with Workforce Expectations." Link  

Indonesia: Maulana et al "Alumni connectedness and its role in intention to contribute to higher education institutions" Journal for Marketing in Higher Education Link (may require institutional access)

Canada: Tiessen et al "The Relationship Between Experiential Learning and Career Outcomes for Alumni of International Development Studies Programs in Canada" Link (a little older but a good one!)

Denmark: El-Awad et al "Unpacking the early alumni engagement of entrepreneurship graduates" Journal of Small Business Management Link

Nigeria: Ogunode et al "Roles of Alumni Association in The Development of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria: The Need for Urgency" The American Journal of Current Tendency and Innovation Link

Australia: Haddow et al "The friendship investment: exploring the soft power of Australian international scholarships and the impact of alumni networks and connections with Australia" History of Education Review Link (may require institutional access)

Let's #LoveAlumni making an imprint in academic research worldwide!

Your challenge this week: 

This Alumni Friday: Pick up something and read! Whether it's one of the articles above or your alumni newsletter. Get energized and excited about working with, being or connecting with alumni!

Yours with alumni love, 


Use the hashtag this month - #LoveAlumni !! 


#LoveAlumni - looking back


Alumni Relations rebuilding trust and more