#LoveAlumni & Science

LoveAlumni - Feb Campaign Logo

The collision of #LoveAlumni and science

Dear Friends,

I am lucky. I have had the pleasure of working with some incredible institutions and dedicated alumni teams. Earlier this month, I participated in Third Collisions, CERN’s alumni weekend. This is no ordinary alumni event. CERN is no ordinary organization. 

I wrote about CERN’s alumni secret sauce late last year. This time, I wanted to honour #LoveAlumni month by boosting your energy on the importance of awesome alumni events. The Office of Alumni Relations at CERN nailed it. The best part? They are a tiny team of three people. They mobilized an internal group within CERN along with external alumni volunteers. 

My latest LinkedIn Pulse article; Alumni and passion at Third Collisions: Learning from the CERN Alumni Weekend. Yes, I am calling it quantum sparkle.

​From the article:

“Do you want to remind yourself about the essence of alumni relations and alumni connection? This article synthesizes this learning to help you to infuse renewed energy and perspective into your alumni programming (and your alumni life!).”

​The article includes 10 reminders on the power and passion of effective alumni gatherings!

#LoveAlumni-science fusion is an ongoing passion. I’ve worked on alumni strategies with clients from the American Association for the Advancement of Science to AlumniPortal Deutschland to the Weizmann Institute of Science. Next month I am speaking at the Max Planck Society alumni gathering. If you want to discuss an in-person or online speaking engagement with alumni energy, book a Discovery Call! 

Alumni/Science from the archive! Check out my keynote from the SASTA Global Conference on Diaspora Networks in Science event in 2022 with the topic: “Our Personal Alumni Networks as a Catalyst for Collective Science Innovation.” 

How can Alumni Networks Spark Science Innovation and Leadership panel I moderated at the same event with Sandra Rincón (Tilburg University), Dr Katharina Heil (ELIXIR), Dr Giacomo Bastianelli (Lounjee), Alexis Roig (Barcelona Alumni). 

Your challenge this week: 

For alumni-facing professionals: Is there a place to fuse science and alumni? Consider the article and archive resources to create this collision!

For alumni and students: Are you curious about the science or research by fellow alumni? Reach out on LinkedIn and ask for an informational interview – a 15 minute online conversation to hear more!

With alumni fusion,



Quote from the book

“Are alumni networks really effective? My response is a resounding yes! To take advantage of our alumni network, we need to be proactive, become curious”

The Alumni Way, p. 72


Photo below: CERN high energy!
The selfie after our career development session – Me (left) with fellow speakers Androula Alekou and Andrea Biedermann – possibly the longest post-event chat with attendees, a very engaged bunch, even as it was the last session of the day!











Planning for the newest alumni


#LoveAlumni for hope