Passion: Finding the Alumni Balance


Life for alumni is more than their careers!

Dear Friends, 

3 years ago today I flew with my family to be with my extended family in Canada for this unknown pandemic unfolding. It was to be a few weeks – it lasted 5 months. Despite the lockdown we started the adventure with sledding and snowshoeing and by the summer it was swimming and kayaking at the lake. This was an incredible leap that wasn’t terribly practical- a decision made at the spur of the moment with our hearts (and not our heads). 

This pandemic saw an incredible pivot in support to alumni too. Here’s an article I wrote on that, I called the Alumni Relations Pivot. Prefer to listen? Check out my Brite Ideas guest spot here  (or if you really want a deeper reading check out the full article on my micro research as of the ICARe – International Conference on Alumni Relations proceedings here). 

Has alumni relations stayed the course? In my latest blog article, I wonder if we need to re-evaluate going back to the traditional alumni relations model pre-pandemic. What did we learn about balance in our lives that we can adopt (or adapt) in these post-pandemic times? In The Alumni Way I describe the balance of mind, body, heart and soul - keeping these in balance makes for better lives, better careers and better lifelong active global citizens. 

I know career readiness, employability and finding the first career after graduation is important. For the sacrifices some make for higher education they seek a better life. As my blog post states: Education is a transformational experience…Our alumni should feel this frisson of excitement of all that life after graduation can hold–  not just in a career, but how they can inspire others into education, volunteer in their community, find passionate pastimes, take care of themselves and others with vitality.”

It’s a holiday in Ireland (St Patrick’s Day!) so one Alumni Friday challenge for all:

Take 20 minutes to conduct your own life balance audit. Consider ways you provide weekly nourishment to your mind, body, heart, and soul. If you’re lacking in one area (or two!) How can your alumni status connect you to programs, people or resources that help restore your balance. Dig deep it’s probably there!

If you are particularly keen you are welcome to complete Activities 14-17 in The Alumni Way Workbook!

(And I am always happy to explore ways to infuse passion and balance into your alumni relations program – let’s talk!)

With alumni passion always,



Quote from the book

"A significant amount of our drive and motivation may come from immersing ourselves in our passion…We become our best resource to our individualized alumni experience."

The Alumni Way, p.107

Below Photo: I finished my first Icelandic skating sweater in 1995 thanks to a university knitting group – when it comes to alumni passions - anything is possible!







Generosity: The Alumni Usual Suspects


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