The Alumni as Diaspora Check-in 

What connection do YOU have to place?  

Dear Friends: 

We are all connected by alumni. This is title of my TEDx talk - it seems over 8,000-plus viewers agree. I want to take this one step further. What if our alumni are also part of a broader diaspora community?  

Do you remember that short-term exchange? It was possibly a life changing experience. For me, I went to the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi for a summer language bursary program. Or possibly a semester or year-long Erasmus or similar exchange? We visit more than institutions, we immerse ourselves in place. Recently I have refamiliarized myself enthusiastically with music from Québec.  

Do you have a connection to place?  

Yesterday I attended the Global Bluenosers event in Toronto, bringing together diaspora - and alumni!- of Nova Scotia. Confession time. While I spend every summer in the Canadian province I never lived there. In this LinkedIn Post I describe my connection to Nova Scotia and delve into it deeper in my guest spot on the Global Bluenosers podcast episode. So my affinity to this beautiful place connects me. So earlier this year I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of the Global Bluenosers Advsiory Group, ensuring the alumni dimension is remembered.  

(Curious about the alumni-diaspora connection? Check out my Alumni Friday post from this time last year or even my Vlog guest spot on Doing Diaspora with THE Diaspora guru Dr Martin Russell) 

Your challenge this week: 

For alumni-facing professionals: How do you define alumni? It might merit a review to include former exchange students, executive or lifelong learning participants.  

For students and alumni: Where did you study? Do you feel a connection to this place? Many countries have developed global alumni networks - this is an international trend - from Germany to Czechia to Canada and beyond- do a search! 

I love to speaking about the alumni-diaspora connection - networking opportunities abound! I am happy to bring this to your alumni team, company or student/alumni group! Let's talk! Book an Discovery Call

Yours with alumni inspiration, 


Photo: My Global Bluenosers podcast episode is called 'In the Land of the Firefighter Breakfast' - and here I was on Sunday at the Caledonia Firefighters Breakfast with my family! 


Alumni Olympic Gold


Green alumni relations