
If diasporizing is a thing, alumnizing can be too!

Dear Friends,  

Recently I’ve noticed many posts describing diaspora engagement as ‘diasporizing’, an active catch-all verb to energize members of diaspora communities to generate a movement, connect with each other and with their country of origin. Can we do the same thing for alumni? Can we alumnize our work? Alumni taking the lead to collectively create impact.  

Your challenge this week:  

For alumni-facing professionals: How are alumni directly involved in designing and leading your alumni engagement work? Are your alumni getting to alumnize? Are there movements or initiatives alumni can join to advance the mission of your institution? Consider ways alumni can be in the driver’s seat to connect with each other and find ways to have impact in the world – meet a co-founder, connect with alumni researchers with similar interests, alumni who meet to make a difference together in the local community.  

For students and alumni: How can you alumnize your experience? Consider things you are passionate about and think of ways connecting with fellow alumni can help to enhance your passions, your curiosity and to mobilize movements you care about – be an alumni activist!

Need some extra inspiration? Check out some inspiring podcasts for alumni and alumni professionals alike!

Yours in alumnization,


Photo: Excited for my first Alumni event book signing! Thank you to Constructor University in Bremen for this honour!

What’s special about this photo is the alumnizing shared with Sebastian (middle) and Vlad (right) taking their shared connection towards building a business! 


Getting an alumni boost


Alumni outputs and outcomes