Small but mighty

Back from vacation and ready to take on your alumni challenges!

Dear Friends,

I am writing this at the airport, travelling back from a month of working vacation in Nova Scotia. It was an exciting time to make memories and to reflect. I also spent time in a small soundproof room recording the audiobook version of The Alumni Way – small space, mighty ideas! (An announcement on the Audiobook launch is coming soon!).

Now another Alumni Way trait is emerging for me: curiosity. I am thrilled to announce that with over 6 years as KITE- Keep in Touch Education (and three years as a Limited Company) KITE is growing it’s team – hiring a Business Development and Training Officer. This is a full-time remote position in Ireland. I am proud to say that KITE has worked with over 50 clients in over 20 countries - small but mighty!

What’s your challenge for the rest of 2023? What small but mighty alumni engagement activity or personal task are you grappling with right now? How can I help? Or, is there someone in your network that might offer some insight?

Your challenge this week:

For alumni-facing professionals: What project or planning is occupying your time? Consider if you need any help and who can help. KITE offers online alumni advisory services, strategic consultancy for your alumni engagement plan. There are also inspirational workshops and speaking engagements for your events. If I can help, please hit reply or book a Discovery Call so we can talk over your needs.

For students and alumni: What sparks your curiosity right now? Draw on your network- even those weak ties and see if a short informational interview (a 20 minute online conversation) will inspire.

To close, a big thank you to all of you who read this weekly newsletter, find it beneficial and who also write back – I love your feedback!

With alumni curiosity,


Quote from the book

"With careful planning, serendipity awaits."The Alumni Way, p. 99

Photo below: Here’s our Trillium camper we took on our camping

trip last weekend. Small but mighty!


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