TEDx talks to inspire alumni

Alumni Friday Blue

Celebrating all things TEDx!

Dear friends,

5 years ago, I gazed up from the TEDx stage. I gulped. Six minutes of my life passed by very quickly - and "We are all connected by one word: Alumni" was born! Hurrah!

As with many TEDx experiences I wasn’t alone. There was a group of us who completed our TEDxBallybofey experience together. This is our shared experience. It’s a wonderful one! This week, I am sending you ONE link to everything:

  • If you want to watch my TEDx, (because We are All Connected by One Word: Alumni)  


  • Watch three other inspiring TEDx talks to motivate students, alumni and alumni-facing professionals


  • Watch fellow TEDxBallybofey alumni talks – these are diverse in topics to mine. Just like our alumni networks, it’s exciting to embrace this diversity – connected to this diversity helps us to combat homophily (that’s the birds of a feather, flock together syndrome that we can easily slip into with familiar friends and family) to expand our horizons.

Click here
Your challenge this week:

  • Expand YOUR horizons! Reach out to someone in your network with an interesting career path or involved in an intriguing project that is NOT directly in your target sector. If you are an engineering student, reach out to an alum working on a digital arts project.
  • If you are an alumni-facing professional, connect with a faculty member, sports coach, or administrator that might peripherally work with alumni and explore their experience connecting with alumni

The theme of our TEDx evening 5 years ago was beyond boundaries – how fitting!

On the road again!
I am on the road again for the next few weeks. Travel seems to get my mind purring on alumni what-ifs – watch this space!

"Next Generation Networking the Alumni WAY is full of incredible strategies that one can use to start delving into networking." My virtual tour included University of Wyoming and AlumniUK this week. I am grateful for the invitations to inspire students and alumni to supercharge their networking. Can I bring a Next Gen Networking event to you? An energizing event for your Alum from Day One student engagement work. Contact me – let’s talk!

Yours with alumni inspiration,

Quote from the book

"Alumni leaders. We take the leap that so many other alumni like us could take…Be warned: the road of alumni leadership is long but rewarding."

The Alumni Way, p.143

Photo below: 5 years on – the passion for alumni potential continues! Hope you are feeling it too!


Alumni Friday – what happens when life gets in the way?


Inspiring TEDx talks for alumni (and celebrating my own TEDx alumni!)