Alumni Friday on Thursday

Create an alumni disruption - shake it up!  

Dear Friends:

Alumni Friday on Thursday? Why not?

After Canada Day celebrations on Monday and to my American friends’ holidays this coming weekend, I decided an early Alumni Friday was in order.

Sometimes in alumni relations we stick to our rigid schedule - the same events and programming because it is comfortable. We are afraid to disappoint alumni if we cancel an event with poor attendance that takes ample resources.

It's time to take a leap!

Your challenge this week: do something different with your alumni programming - be bold - change it up! If you earmark an hour every friday for an Alumni Friday - plan this too - here's some ideas (and excellent resources to listen to, and read!

Check out some other ideas here.

I am taking this Friday off. My Alumni Friday is to dive into special alumni time, regroup, recalibrate, refresh and especially rejuvenate! I wish you the same. This makes our work even better in the long run.

Enjoy your weekend - celebrate Alumni Friday in style!

(Next week a special career focused newsletter is on the way - keep your eyes open for it!)

With alumni love,


Photo: Chilling at the cottage! Here I am with my sister-in-law Ruth - it's a quiet few days in Nova Scotia!
Hope you enjoy a quiet Alumni Friday!


Career Wandering, Alumni Impact


Special alumni solstice