Special alumni solstice

Special alumni solstice 

Dear Friends:

The past week saw the coming of the solstice - in the Northern Hemisphere, it was the longest day of the year while in the Southern Hemisphere, the shortest. In Ireland it was hardly dark even by midnight.

It has been a special time - the ebb and flow of the dance between the sun and the earth.
How does this relate to alumni?

We need to think of our alumni (and ourselves AS alumni) with the same fluidity!

Sometimes alumni are close with our institution, they want to reconnect. Like the seasons, alumni see value in connecting with their alma mater, and other times it holds less of a priority.

(podcast link if you are feeling inspired!)

Your challenge this week:

For alumni facing professionals: Identify those key ebb and flow times for your alumni - when can you seize the best opportunity for alumni to reconnect (and re-engage!) with your institution?

For students and alumni: Reflect on the value of reconnecting with your alma mater and fellow alumni during this upcoming season (whether summer or winter!). Make a commitment to connect with one fellow alum each week or month on Alumni Friday to build your network - make it meaningful! Check out the Workbook for more reflective exercises or read here for inspiration!

My alma mater, the University of Victoria, had me complete a supercharged, energetic, online networking session for their most recent graduates. Check out my Q&A ahead of the event here. My aim is to make these events accessible and practical for all students/alumni, while remaining immensely affordable for alumni relations teams - it is incredible value - do book a Discovery Call if you wish to hear more!

With sunny alumni thoughts,


Photo: Feeling the summer alumni love: Here's my five closest university friends at my recent alumni reunion. We enjoyed our in-person reconnection - we are warm, fuzzy and full of nostalgia waiting to re-engage again!


Alumni Friday on Thursday


Getting an alumni boost