Alumni brilliance - One hour at a time


Let’s get together and explore!

Dear alumni inspired friends,What would it be like if you could find alumni inspiration after just one hour?After the second conference in as many weeks, I am convinced this is more possible than ever. Connection is innate in our humanity.As the keynote speaker at the conference in Vienna and as a speaker at the International Conference on Alumni Relations last week, each new hour brought new professional connections and alumni insights. I was also struck by the active research in the alumni space - researching both graduate outcomes along with the implications for career development and alumni relations. Forging new connections, new alumni innovation (and new research!) takes time! It can all seem very daunting!It doesn’t need to be. Start with an hour.Your challenge this week:For students and alumni: Try booking an hour in your schedule this coming week (or later today- Alumni Friday!). Genuinely mine your network. Take stock. Are you missing some follow-up from a DM? Is there someone you’ve been meaning to reconnect with? Today is the day! Write a kind message and do ask for 15 minutes, for a short informational interview to explore more!For alumni-facing professionals: Is this planning time? Remember orchestrating alumni serendipity? As you consider new alumni innovations, activities, or initiatives - Let’s talk! Book a free 15-minute Discovery Call with me in June here. Let’s explore together!Did you know? I offer online alumni advisory and coaching for clients worldwide? This is an affordable, flexible way to build your alumni strategy, for reflection, curious questioning, and inspiring alumni passion and generosity to supercharge your alumni work one hour at a time! Flash advisory sessions are available too – 15-minute bursts of alumni strategy and actionable inspiration! Book a Discovery Call to discuss options available here.

I am also open to discussing any alumni research or strategy work for the second half of 2023! I’ve worked with clients across 20+ countries on alumni inspired strategies, tailored webinars and more- Let’s discuss!

More to focus on your alumni research interests next week and a special announcement!In the meantime, have a great weekend!With hours of alumni inspiration,Maria


Quote from the book

"Mining is networking. This is a sustainable form of mining too, one that can promote growth for you and for those in your network."The Alumni Way, p.71Photo below: Inspiring alumni connection – one hour at a time! Here’s me at my keynote at the conference in Vienna (photo credit:


A mindset shift on alumni engagement…


University problem, alumni solution