Take up the Baton: Orchestrating alumni serendipity!
Photo by Manuel Nägeli @gwundrig on Unsplash
What inspires and motivates alumni relations professionals?
Seeing harmonious moments of alumni connections unfold creating incredible melodies. Students and alumni learning, alumni-alumni mentoring, alumni taking on the world. These interludes can happen at alumni events, through programs like formal mentorship or just hearing about them by chance. Oh, how this is music to our ears!I wrote about this alumni relations serendipity in a LinkedIn post blog entitled:
Orchestrating Alumni Serendipity: Masterminding Alumni Relations of the Future
You can read the updated blog post here. A quote:
"To be an Alumni Relations pioneer, requires a dynamic mindset to transform alumni programming."
The article explains the origins of serendipity to the crescendo of the importance of alumni relations professionals gaining regular inspiration from fellow professionals. Creating regular meetings and trusted relationships in a safe, encouraging environment, new alumni relations ideas can flourish.
Read the full blog post here. If you want more information about specialist alumni coaching services or sessions to inspire your professional team or alumni leaders, book a Discovery Call with Maria here.
Photo by Manuel Nägeli @gwundrig on Unsplash