Alumni Friday Archive is live


Review the e-newsletter content again and again

Dear Friends,

Alumni Fridays are more than a weekly challenge. I love getting your email replies to say how they offer inspiration and motivation in your alumni work and/or in your alumni life! As a little thank you, I am grateful to my team member Emma Mullin who has started the Alumni Friday archive, integrated into The Alumni Way Blog here.

As this archive develops, they will be searchable by subjects, tags, and themes. I hope this also makes the content accessible to a wider audience – feel free to share them with your alumni-facing teams, your alumni and with your students. There is something for everyone! If you share the content on the socials please use #AlumniFriday to extend the reach!

What’s new for 2024? The Alumni Hour! An online accountability hour for your alumni! Curious to hear more and join the early 2024 pilot? Hit reply or book a Discovery Call with me here.

Your challenge this week:

Spread the end-of-year Alumni Friday love!

Forward this e-mail to your colleagues, your alumni and your students so they can discover ways to build their alumni activity in an intentional, inspired and informed way.

Here’s a QR code you can also easily share to join the weekly newsletter (see below!)

With alumni love,


Quote from the book
"Dynamic alumni with the growthmindset will:- Recognize that is takes effort to activate alumni capital towards impact on your career;
- Approach networking as hard work that yields excellent positive results."The Alumni Way, p. 99


Even more alumni sparkle for 2024


Why alumni networks are special