Even more alumni sparkle for 2024

Alumni Way snowing (1)

Have you met the Alumni Grinch?

Dear Friends,

This is the last Alumni Friday newsletter of 2023. As we wind down, it’s ok – nay necessary – to take some time to relax, to reflect and especially to rejuvenate to come back in January energized for the New Year. 

I hope that as you joined the Alumni Friday weekly regime, you developed a regular habit of thinking of your alumni self and/or be proud of your key role building alumni connections for others. This is important, lifelong work. 

I too am unwinding after a hectic year of travel, of personal challenges, new opportunities, and unexpected joy. As you read this I am at my final meetings of the year in Malaga, in southern Spain, planning for 2024 ahead. The sunshine and special alumni connections help build my own energy reserves!

Your challenge this week – read, listen, connect


Want to Energize your Alumni Work? Get that Sparkle by Starting Here  - Alumni Way Blog Post

6 Books to Inspire your Alumni Potential and your Alumni Networks  - Alumni Way Blog Post


Podcasts to inspire Alumni and energize Alumni Professionals  - Alumni Way Blog Post


(and are you interested in writing a book? Here’s a special podcast for you!)

Using a Book to Become the Go-To Person in Your Field with Maria Gallo - Writer On The Side Podcast, ep. 139



Let’s all combat the alumni grinch! Share your Alumni Friday experience with your friends, colleagues and especially with fellow alumni. I am a fierce believer in dismantling the assumption of the alumni-donor coupling. Let me explain. This coupling is not in itself bad, but it can run the risk of alumni deciding not to engage for fear of the fundraising ask. Let’s show our alumni connection, pride, and value first and then we can ask for their time, talent, treasure, and ties. Curious for more? Pick up your copy of The Alumni Way before the end of 2023, still 50% off here with the code TAW23.

Wishing you the warmest holiday and alumni wishes,



Quote from the book

“Let’s face it. We’ve all been tainted by the alumni grinch. It’s our unconscious bias telling us to slip away from university life without a trace.”

The Alumni Way, p. 53


(hopefully no alumni grinches
in this group! 😊)


Photo below: Enjoying the festive decorations - no grinch in sight!



Alumni engagement and nostalgia


Alumni Friday Archive is live