Alumni Friday on holiday

Alumni Friday Blue

Give yourself an alumni break 

Dear Friends, 

Last week I took a short hiatus from the newsletter. I gave myself the Alumni Friday off.  When I first started this weekly newsletter, I had a lot of ideas and content to share after publishing my The Alumni Way book I had articles, podcasts and thought pieces galore!  

I am juggling many projects, including research for an Ireland Fellows Alumni Programme. The last few weeks I travelled a lot too.  

I am exhausted.  

So, this week, it’s time for all of us to take a break.  

If you need new content (and are curious to hear a little more about me) check out a Q&A interview Almabase did with me earlier this month here . 

There’s a short video where I am asked what advice would I give my younger self and I said: “Do less, reflect more...” (I won’t spoil it all!)  

Taking time to pause gives us a chance to reflect. If you want to think a little bit (while still taking a break!) check out some suggestions on reflection for alumni relations blog post here.  Maybe The Alumni Way is making you think about taking up the pen for a book of your own – here's some of my wisdom the ‘Writer on the Side’ Podcast here.    

Phew! Time for a break – grab a cup of tea (and possibly your alumni magazine!) and enjoy! 

Yours in alumni tranquility, 



Quote from the book 
“We can find follow, and participate in heartfelt outreach and activities at our alma mater.” 
(now that’s a challenge this week!) 
The Alumni Way, p. 133 



Alumni Reunions as a Sensory Experience


Alumni in flow