University Problem, Alumni Solution

Is alumni your university’s superpower?  

Dear Friends,

In my discussions with many alumni-facing professionals over the years there is one comment that is sure to open so many conversations:

"If your university has a problem to solve – aspiring more international students, increasing student engagement, employability — whatever the problem, alumni are the solution."

Let me be clear – I am not saying that alumni are there waiting to respond to every university target. It is much deeper. Alumni are out there transforming our world in ordinary extraordinary ways. These are the alumni that:

  • encourage reflection

  • explore with curiosity

  • enlighten all aspects of their lives, and

  • empower and inspire others through their generosity

Yes, The Alumni Way traits in action! Alumni and their extraordinary ordinary lives becomes the social proof to inspire prospective students, create relatable role models and offer career insights. It’s the alumni professionals role to:

  • educate your organization internally on the power of alumni

  • energize alumni to see the value of lifelong connection to their alma mater

  • engage alumni by facilitating their participation in activities across the organization

  • excite alumni leaders to take roles as your best advocates for alumni engagement

Your challenge this week:

For alumni professionals: Which of these "E"s is the most challenging for you to implement and why? Take it step-by-step and consider one thing you can do to progress this "E" by the end of Alumni Friday! Here’s a blog post I wrote to help inspire alumni innovation!

For students and alumni: Your "E" is enthusiasm – what makes your heart sing about your (past or current) university experience? Consider one way to reconnect with that initiative, sport, club, academic subject or experience – reach out and find out ways alumni can help enhance current students while enthusing alumni (2 more "E"s and a win-win!) – check out this podcast for some ideas ‘bursting with enthusiasm’ for alumni!

Needing a little more inspiration to ignite this superpower? Check out our newsletter archive or book a Discovery Call with me!

Sending you warm wishes from Ireland for the start of summer.

Yours with alumni inspiration,


Quote from the book

"As alumni we are an important part of this public good and the university ecosystem."

The Alumni Way, p.131

Photo below: Is it time for an alumni shearing? Stripping down our work to its basics? My neighbour's sheep are on the cusp of this need for a lightness to their woolly life!


The alumni-learning mash-up


Alumni, soar! 7 academic research on alumni engagement to influence your practice