An active Alumni Friday – check out podcasts for your next stroll

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The alumni best to inspire on a stroll

Dear Friends,

Summer has arrived in Ireland! Consistent sunshine and warm weather is rejuvenating as we come up to the longest day of the year (with sunrise at 4am and sunset at 11pm!).

It’s perfect weather for a walk! It’s easy to fall into life in front of the computer but with the sunshine beckoning, what about a stroll and a podcast?

Do you need to be inspired or to find inspiring content for your new grads?

In my latest blog post I share some of my favourite podcast series and episodes. Some include me as a guest while others have an array of alumni and career gurus to inspire.

Check out the blog post: 'Podcasts to inspire alumni and energize alumni professionals' here.

Your challenge this week:

Go for a walk! Get up from your desk and away from your phone. Choose a podcast episode and get energized!

Did you know The Alumni Way book is currently available for 50% until the end of June? Snag your copy (or ebook version) here from Policy Press.

With alumni inspiration,


Quote from the book

“Nurturing our body requires our listening along with our lively participation.”

The Alumni Way, p.116

Photo below: Nostalgia alert! One of my favourite walks recently started just outside my old student residence Loretto in downtown Toronto, where the gardens are teeming with blooms! For almost 30 years my strolls started here and it has taken me to some exciting places!


The Alumni Voice – loud and clear


Podcasts to inspire Alumni and energize Alumni Professionals