Podcasts to inspire Alumni and energize Alumni Professionals

Graduation season in full swing on campuses near me. I am just back from my 25th alumni reunion at the University of Toronto. Alongside the nostalgic graduation veterans like me was the newest graduates donning the hood and gown, full of excitement and hope. The graduation ceremony invariably include a 'keep in touch' moment reminding graduates of the advantages of a lifelong connection to their alma mater. On the days that follow graduation day, the dial can move from this moment of elation to a sense of loss and 'what's next?' Alumni-facing professionals attempting to connect with new graduates need inspiration too - there remains hope in full engagement from the latest alumni cohort, but 1:1 connection is not always possible. Podcasts, enter stage left.

Audio inspiration is not going to help all grads - or alumni professionals - but they are another tool to motivate and inspire when it might be needed the most. Here's a list of my favourite podcasts series and podcast episodes that can offer insights for new graduates, alumni and those who serve alumni.

1- Podcast Series: Find Your Dream Job

Audience: Recent graduates and alumni

Focus: Answer is in the title. It's a long-standing career focused podcast where Mac Prichard interviews an incredible array of guests. If you have a career search query, chances are this podcast has covered the topic.

From the Podcast:  "...for professionals focused on finding work that matters. Join us every week for a new episode full of job search tactics, career resources, and insider advice from recognized experts on job hunting and career management."

Find Your Dream Job podcast here. 

Maria Gallo will be a future guest on this podcast - stay tuned! 

2 - Podcast Series: A Brand Called You

Audience: Anyone looking for inspiration for career or leadership growth

Focus: "Leadership lessons, knowledge, experience and wisdom from leading global personalities from diverse backgrounds, who have contributed significantly to make the world a better place. "

Check out episodes: "The Benefits of Alumni Networking" with Maria Gallo here

"What is Intrinsic Motivation?" with Sharath Jeevan here

3 - Podcast Series: Brite Ideas

Audience: A podcast for alumni relations professionals

Focus: "Host Sandra Rincón and other global alumni experts will candidly discuss pressing issues, explore research findings from the field, consider what alumni relations can learn from other industries, and more." Sandra interviews some of the best known alumni gurus in the business to get their perspective on the trends, research and strategies to enhance alumni relations work. 

Full list of episodes available here.

Check out Maria Gallo's guest spots on the podcast (including the inaugural episode of the podcast!).

Episode 1 - "Lockdown and Alumni Relations." with Maria Gallo here

Episode 9 - "How to Provide Your Graduates with Lifelong Value." with Maria Gallo here

4 - Episode "Using Your Alumni Status as a Gateway to Opportunity." - Transforming Society podcast

Audience: New graduates, alumni and alumni curious

Focus: Maria Gallo is the guest on the podcast discussing with host Rebecca Megson-Smith on the potential our alumni identities and networks offer us. Maria also argues on why we should move away from a student as consumer construct and a graduate as financial donor way of thinking to unleash true alumni potential.

Check out the episode here.

5 - Episode "The Value of Alumni Connections"  - Tuum Est UBC Student Alumni Council  podcast

Audience: Students, recent graduates and alumni

Focus: In this episode guest Maria Gallo explains practical ways to leverage alumni connections to enrich your degree. She discusses how to go about developing your network, how to initiate conversations with alumni aligned to her book The Alumni Way. 

Listen to the episode here.

6 - "International Alumni in Action: Conversations about Service, Innovation, and Impact" - NAFSA's International Educator podcast

Audience: Alumni relations professional and international educators

Focus: Maria Gallo and Kevin Fleming are the guests on this podcast discussing the intersection of transformational philanthropy and international alumni engagement drawing on their book chapter on transformation philanthropy in Engaging International Alumni as Strategic Partners. 

Listen to the episode here.

7 - Living the Alumni Way Everyday - A Dash of SaLT (Society and Learning Today) podcast

Audience: Students, recent graduates, alumni and alumni-facing professionals- it's for everyone!

Focus: Host Shelli-Ann Garland interviews Maria Gallo on the power and potential of lifelong engagement with your alumni network and what it can bring to your professional and personal life.

Check out this special episode here.

Are you looking for a podcast guest to speak about the potential of alumni networks? Maria Gallo is available to discuss this with you. Book a Discovery Call with her here.

Happy listening!


An active Alumni Friday – check out podcasts for your next stroll


It’s graduation season - Top resources for grads