Another week, another birthday

AluMniThe festivities continue – part 2 Dear Friends, We are 3 today! KITE – Keep in Touch Education Limited, the parent company for The Alumni Way is a wobbly toddler. As I announced a few weeks ago, KITE is experiencing an expansion to our small but mighty team, with some exciting announcements to follow in the coming weeks. What do we do to celebrate important milestones? 10 years serving alumni? Celebrate your alumni program! Is this an anniversary for your institution? Special dates are a great excuse to create a hoopla and take stock. Your challenge this week: For alumni-facing professionals: Are you celebrating a special year serving alumni? Are your team members celebrating a special milestone in alumni-facing work - 5, 10 or even 25 years? Acknowledge and share this with your alumni community! Alumni relations is human connection, including dedicated alumni personnel. Celebrate this commitment! For students and alumni: Go on a hunt! Find a fellow alum who is celebrating a special graduation year – 5, 10 or yes even 25 years from graduation (that’s me!). Invite them for an informational interview. Ask them for their career story how they got from graduation day to this milestone date – what they hoped would happen (and what did happen instead!). These are insights to help build your own future career stories. And since it’s still summer in the Northern Hemisphere, here are some inspiring alumni podcasts for those holiday road trips and some books to push your boundaries on alumni potential (besides of course The Alumni Way) as you find a quiet reading moment. Do you explore ways to maximize an anniversary? Hit reply or set-up a quick call with me to discuss! (Don’t be shy!) With festive alumni greetings, Maria 

Quote from the book

"This is a chance to shake out of the trance and explore advancement for ourselves and for the university too."

The Alumni Way, p. 46


Alum from Day One at the forefront


It’s my birthday – a special Alumni Friday review