Celebrating – it’s The Alumni Way’s second birthday

2ndbdayA fun giveaway for you inside – get inspired!

Dear Friends,

The Alumni Way book is 2 today! This is a special milestone because over the past year the in-person events are back and I had the first-ever book signing event! My aim is to get the book into the hands of as many students, alumni and alumni-facing professionals as possible.

This book aims to inspire and energize on alumni potential. If you haven’t yet got your hands on your copy – you can do so here  and it’s only £10/$10 with the promo code TAW23.

I am happy to officially announce that The Alumni Way audiobook is also on its way! Recording is finished (grateful to Kelly Hoey for reading her Foreword too!) and it will be launched in London on the 10th of November, with an Irish launch to follow – watch this space!

Birthdays and anniversaries are a great time for reflection. How are you connecting as an alum with your alma mater? It’s a good time to check to see your contact details are correct too.

As you receive this newsletter I am somewhere between Rotterdam and Dublin, after alumni-infused presentations at the European Association for International Education (EAIE) conference. EAIE with over 6,000 delegates was a great chance for networking and exploring roles for global alumni. If we met in person – terrific, if not, perhaps at the next event! If you are looking for an energetic speaker on the potential of alumni for your event or conference – let’s discuss!

Finally, your challenge this week:

It’s a gift! I hope that this newsletter serves to offer some weekly inspiration on the importance of alumni connection and alumni relationships. Click here to download your special copy of some selected quotes from The Alumni Way that you can keep to hand to inspire you when you need a boost!

(I am indebted to my friend, alumni colleague, and co-presenter at EAIE Karin Bennmarker who offered this suggestion all the way back at the beginning of the year- thank you!)

Your second challenge: What would you like to see more of in this newsletter? Hit reply with your suggestions – is it alumni research? Inspirational articles? Alumni resources? I would love to hear from you!

For now is the chance to celebrate The Alumni Way, that’s my plan this Alumni Friday - delve into the book once again!

With alumni birthday wishes,


Quote from the book

“Developing an Alumni Way mindset is more than something to do.
It is something that we have, something that we are.”

The Alumni Way, p. 191





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quotes to inspire

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Feeling lucky? 13 things to do this Alumni Friday


Connecting students and alumni