Feeling lucky? 13 things to do this Alumni Friday

Inspiration when you need it the most!

Dear Friends,

As we approach the end of the year, it’s easy to lose steam. Personal and family events can often put the go-go-go of our lives in perspective. It was Thanksgiving for my friends in Canada – hope you enjoyed it – and I had a makeshift celebration.

Sometimes we need that extra boost to give your alumni work sparkle or to remind ourselves why carving out an Alumni Friday is a powerful weekly activity.Here's a few things to do to inspire your alumni self or your alumni-facing work:

  1. Grab your hot beverage of choice and the latest copy of your alumni magazine. Read. Enjoy. (this is the top of my list this week!)

  2. Queue up an inspiring alumni-infused podcast. Here are some of my favourites and can I add Alum-Less and Alumni Podcasts.

  3. Arrange a tea break with a non-alumni colleague. Discuss alumni. See what happens.

  4. Share your alumni insights by preparing a submission for upcoming conferences - CASE’s DRIVE conference deadline is today (!) and EAIE (European Association for International Education) Conference in Toulouse has a deadline of 2nd of November. Consider CASE Europe next August or ICARe (International Conference on Alumni Relations) in Prague next June.

  5. Call up a fellow alum for a catch-up.

  6. Download The Alumni Way Workbook (take it off the to-do list!) complete an activity of your choice.

  7. Watch a webinar recording you requested, but never watched. For Alumni Career Services Network members I can recommend their ACSN Webinar series (including the Supercharging Alumni Networking event I recorded just this week!). Aluminati’s  Developing a Networking Mindset Webinar or Almabase’s Alumni-Centric Approach to Transformational Philanthropy (teamed up with Dr Kevin Fleming)

  8. Re-read your latest alumni e-newsletter – click and read one article!

  9. Update your contact details with one alma mater (alumni-facing professionals you are as guilty of being lost alumni as the rest of us!)

  10. Get nostalgic. Pick up an old yearbook (did this last week!) Sift through social posts from your student days. Get reacquainted with what you enjoyed about your experience.

  11. Review a must-read insightful alumni networks article, see my suggestions here.

  12. Read a chapter or two in The Alumni Way – hit reply and let me know your thoughts!

  13. Book an Alumni Friday session with me before the end of 2023! Let’s talk all things alumni!

I hope this helps to invigorate your love of alumni connection and alumni work this Friday. I need this too!

If you want to explore ways to boost your alumni team work in/before 2024 or if you are curious about the Next Generation Networking workshop, please book a discovery call with me.

Sending alumni inspiration,


Quote from the book

"What would it be like if we all leveraged our alumni potential?"

The Alumni Way, p. 7

Photo below: New content coming soon! Audiobook, webinars and two new podcast episodes, including the Global Bluenosers Podcast – with Sean Meister (pictured at our recording here this week) – even as I discuss my Nova Scotia connections alumni sings through! Watch this space!


Draw breath on Alumni Friday!


Celebrating – it’s The Alumni Way’s second birthday