Expect more from the university-alumni relationship


Expect More!

It's all about the degree isn't it? When we're studying we are reminded to keep an eye on the prize (the degree presumably).

Then graduation hits...and there is that 'what happens next' moment.

That's why I developed the Alumni Friday idea- to help students, new graduates and even seasoned alumni (advancement professionals too!) to build their network early and often.

What would it be like if we expected MORE from our university? Check out my article in University Business 'Are we expecting too little from our university-alumni relationship?'

Your challenge this Alumni Friday: 
(1) Read the article and ADJUST your alumni expectations! (If you need a 30 second version of the article read it here)
(2) Forward the full article onto to a fellow student, alum or university administrator or prof that might find this insightful!

With alumni inspiration always,



Quote from the book

"I implore you: don't simply grab your degree and run!"

The Alumni Way, p.  xiii.
J. Kelly Hoey's Foreword





Alumni Friday! Supercharge your alumni network!


Top 3 Takeaways on the Power of Alumni Friday