Alumni Friday! Supercharge your alumni network!

Alumni Friday Blue

Supercharge your network!

Last Saturday, I had a special belated Alumni Friday - I met fellow alumni in person! This was a special meeting, because Jitendra came all the way from India to mark 25 years since his graduation from University College Dublin. What made it even better was the sendoff to his son, who is a new graduate student at his alma mater- hurrah! Welcome to the alumni circle Shivam!

This got me thinking of supercharging our alumni network throughout graduate studies (and it could relate to anyone just starting university!). Here's a piece I wrote for University Affairs showing the power of alumni connection throughout the student lifespan!

Your challenge this Alumni Friday: 

(1) Is there anyone you know that could benefit from supercharging their alumni network? Share the article! Bonus points if they are a new student!

(2) Interested in a deeper (Alumni Friday!) read? I wrote an alumni lifespan piece in a special issue of Studies in Higher Education - hit reply and I will send you the article link and related infographic (it uses sequoias- who doesn't love a tree analogy?)

Happy weekend!

With alumni inspiration always,

Maria                   Quote from the book

"We may have the same degree, but building our network gives us the edge."

The Alumni Way, p. 70

Photo Below: My visit with Jitendra Sinha, fellow UCD alum last week. We celebrated meeting in person for the first time in the Donegal sunshine!   


Why do you (or your alumni) network?


Expect more from the university-alumni relationship