Alumni Relations- Stop, Go, Proceed with Caution
Being more mindful with our alumni energy!
Dear Friends:
As you read this I am in Estonia, delivering a workshop to alumni-facing professionals across 15 European countries - that's a lot of alumni interest!
When I deliver workshops, I like to include a simple traffic light system, to maximize interaction AND to maximize learning.
At workshops, I provide red, yellow and green cards so they can be raised (like a soccer game or at traffic lights!) by participants.
Green to show they agree with a point made
Red is a request for me to stop and explain the point further
Yellow is to ask me to slow down
Anyone who knows me knows with my energy I speak very fast. This last one is important in across alumni relations. Sometimes WE need to slow down. We need to reflect as alumni professionals. Be mindful and reflect as alumni too (because we ARE part of something bigger!) This reflection will also allow us to draw breath. Remember: Alumni is your Superpower!
I am spending some extra time slowing down this week and next. Slowing down is important while I travel and allows me to regenerate my energy - my challenge to you - take time this Alumni Friday to read (or write!) something decadent (and alumni related of course!). I will be. I have a new published article coming out soon (you heard it here first!).
So, lift that yellow card to yourself- consider it a gentle kettle-boiling- cup-of-tea warning!
Yours with alumni-on-the-slow,
Photo: My weekend was on the slow too! I made traditional Italian Christmas noche (fried dough deliciousness!) with my kids!