Alumni Friday and growth

Alumni Friday and growth  

Dear Friends,

As you read this, I am travelling to Germany for my next Alumni Way adventure, speaking to new graduates and alumni on the transformative impact of their alumni status.  

It’s been a year of personal and professional growth for me. The growth mindset continues to be my foundation to enable me to wade my way through setbacks, learning from failure, grief and reflecting to emerge from a transformation to come out stronger.

Sharing Alumni Friday with you is a privilege. It offers me pause to consider what I want to share with an alumni-positive community. Thank you!  

It’s my turn to take my Alumni Friday: I have neglected this lately, not prioritizing it in my own schedule - imagine! This week, while I am in transit, I am taking time to celebrate an Alumni Friday.  

I invite you to do the same. Perhaps you lost the habit like me, but rekindling the moment to refresh and reconnect will be restorative.  

My Alumni Friday Newsletter will also be lighter - the theme will remain, with a short message and a challenge.  

I might even skip a few weeks. Be gentle to myself over my summer.  

Please be gentle to yourself too.  

If you haven’t yet picked up your copy of The Alumni Way book yet and want to include it as you Alumni Friday activity, it is still available here 50% off with the code TAW24. I have 5 e-book copies to giveaway too (if you read this far and it resonates, hit reply and I will send you the details- generosity feels good!)

Let’s talk? On pause for a few weeks as I travel to Toronto for my own Alumni Reunion and to take on my President duties at University of St Michael’s College - University of Toronto. This is a way for me to recharge my alumni batteries! We can meet again in June!

With humble Alumni Friday growth,



Alumni outputs and outcomes


The alumni-learning mash-up