Thinking of Grad School? Taking up studies? Go to alumni first!


Dear Friends, 


As January ends, we still might be holding onto those New Year’s Resolutions. Often the aspirations for taking on studies is on this list, with many applications for grad school looming. In this Alumni Friday, I focus on the power of alumni networks to support the student lifecycle - even in choosing a course or institution to study.  


Last year I published an article with University Affairs Magazine: “How your alumni network can help supercharge graduate school success.” Check some background and link to the free article here. From considering courses to after graduation, there are key, strategic touchpoints for alumni. Alumni want to help others, especially if others helped them along the way. It’s more than just networking. Students do need to build a network, and alumni can help broaden ideas, career roles and so much more! For more on networking for grad students, check out my interview with Roostervane, a popular grad school blog.   


Your Challenge this week: 

Are you planning to try something new this year? A new course? Speaking at a conference?* Reach out to an alum to learn more about it! This is another way to get out of your comfort zone – ask for a quick 15 minutes online chat to learn more! If you find yourself on the other side (aka someone asks for 15 minutes from you) dive in – these experiences can be inspirational! 


*Don’t forget – CASE Europe’s Annual Conference proposal for speakers is due TODAY! If this is too soon, ICARe (International Conference on Alumni Relations) conference scheduled for 11-12 May in Porto, Portugal is accepting abstracts for speakers until 28th of February! 


Before we go… 

Are you already working on your graduate studies or doctoral studies in alumni relations? Are you considering an advanced degree researching alumni relations? I would love to hear from you! Hit reply to this message! Watch this space, hopefully something exciting to announce soon! 😊  


With alumni inspiration, 




Quote from the book

"As an alumni shareholder, we invest in our alma mater. This investment is not for the institution’s sake. It is to share and support the experience for others."

The Alumni Way, p. 140



Below Photo: I was excited when
University—Industry Partnership for Social Change book arrived!
Also published by Policy Press, you can pick this up along with your copy of The Alumni Way at 50% off from the publisher until the end of the month!


Take up the Baton: Orchestrating alumni serendipity!


Let’s inspire collective positive action by alumni!