Why do you (or your alumni) network?


Networking and Alumni: From transactional to transformational!

What if I asked you the question: Why do you network? Give me your one-word answer.

Career? Job?

Yesterday I delivered a Webinar as part of the Creating Connection series, hosted by Aluminati - to an highly engaged audience and asked this question. The answers?

Connection. Opportunity. Belonging. Fun.

Brilliant! These words position networking where it should be for alumni: to be curious, for discovery, to explore and learn.

Your challenge this Alumni Friday: 
(1) Check out  the blog post post-event where I set out the 4 key questions to build a next generation networking mindset. This offer a short snapshot of the event and of the potential of networking for impact!

(2) Reach out to a fellow alum (or alumni/career professional) and ask for a 20 minute informational interview! It might not happen until next Alumni Friday, but it's a chance to explore and ask curious questions! Learn something new!

Have a great weekend!

With alumni inspiration always,

Maria                          Quote from the book

"We crave involvement that generates lasting, long-term impact. Campus or community projects supported by our alma mater that contribute to impact on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) might be the answer."

The Alumni Way, p. 144   Photo Below: That's me pre-Webinar, at my standing desk, offers the most energetic of my online self! 


4 Questions to Embed a Networking Mindset for Your Alumni – and for Impact


Alumni Friday! Supercharge your alumni network!