Searching for alumni love

Hey university, what have you done for me lately?  

Dear Friends: 

The challenge this Alumni Friday is NOT alumni matchmaking! 

A few ideas to chew on this week. Speaking with a close alum friend he said: 

"If my university was a person, they wouldn't be my friend."  

Whoa. As someone who advocates for building alumni relationships this struck me hard.  

There are some alumni who don't have the love - or affinity - for their alma mater.  

I wondered: what can we do to bring about the alumni love?  

There is Alum From Day One, fostering the connection with students as alumni (and with alumni!) the moment they start on campus. Steven Threadgold in his book Bourdieu and Affect describes affinity from Mason as a 'kind of spark where kindred sensations of connection can make one feel enchanted, charismatic or joyful..."  

Isn't this the type of effect we aspire for or aspire for our alumni?  

Some of our alumni just don't feel that joy. As I point out in The Alumni Way we need to build the awareness in our alumni on the power of their alumni capital, to leverage the people, resources and knowledge at the university - for the career and life they want and to support others.  

Your challenge this week: 

For alumni-facing professionals: Reflect on whether your alumni programming meets this affinity definition for your alumni - are you stewarding your alumni leadership with love? (as the fundraisers do with donors at least!). If not, what can be done to create wider alumni love? 

For students and alumni: Are you feeling the love? If you are, consider what makes your affinity - or even affection - deep. If not, consider why - what can you do to take action to make change? 

I adore this alum who has got my mind racing on the affinity-affection trajectory - as an alumni romantic this has sparked my thinking and reading - more to come! 

Do you know someone who would appreciate an Alumni Friday? Please pass them this newsletter and/or allow them to sign up here. 

I am taking speaking engagements to energize your alumni and alumni professionals for 2025 - I will be based in North America so if an in-person session suits - I am game! Book a Discovery Call here to discuss! 

Yours with alumni love, 


Photo: In Sweden with Alumni Love!

As I write I am travelling back from an epic week in Ljusdal, Uppsala and Stockholm, with my fabulous host Karin Bennmarker of SLU and Coordinator of the Swedish Alumni Network.

Here we are in the wild! I am ready, willing and able to visit you next! 


Alum from Day One - that time of year


A Birthday Review